Project overview

Teva’s pharmaceutical production facility specialises in the production and packaging of unit dose medicines, recognised globally for the development of specialist technologies and achieving sterile packaging of these products.

To secure the long term future of the site, all Teva staff are trained to operate the latest machinery and implement the latest processes. To meet this retirement, a new factory-grade training room and further office specification training suites with the flexibility to provide a large conference suite were design and built.

Our solution

Our team led the Architectural design for the project from project concept; producing presentation material for the planning and neighbour consultations, achieving planning approval for the scheme.

At detailed design stage, Waldeck produced Architectural, Civil and Structural Engineering designs and were responsible for achieving building regulation plans approval, including integration of the new facility with the factory access and escape strategies.

The concept placed the new training facility at 1st floor level, above the existing restaurant and factory space, allowing direct access from the factory to the sterile training area and access to the training suites via the existing main staff entrance.

The proposals were contentious due to the proximity of the extension to only the residential neighbours of the facility. Plans to construct occupied space at first floor level could have generated a privacy issue and light nuisance due to the installation of windows above the existing residences.

Waldeck undertook an environmental lighting impact assessment and used existing survey and Geographic Information System (GIS) satellite levels date to produce a 3D visually accurate representation (VAR) of the facility and the existing houses which allowed a 9m high visual barrier to be designed which blocked line of sight from the windows to the residences. The model was then used during neighbour consultation to demonstrate that the extension would not adversely impact their amenity.

The Results

Our use of the 3D VAR allowed a seemingly infeasible project to be agreed by the site’s neighbours and approved by the local authority, who were concerned of the potential impacts.

During detailed design and construction, Waldeck assisted the construction management team in delivering the project below the forecast budget and to a fast-tracked programme, enabling  early occupation.