Project overview

The highly efficient power station was the first to be constructed in the UK by EDF Energy, and began commercial operation in 2011.

The 1,300MW station was developed in line with EDF Energy’s mission to improve power station efficiency, making a ‘significant contribution’ to meeting the UK’s future energy demand while helping to cut carbon dioxide emissions.

Our solutions

Our team worked alongside Kier to provide a range of design support services for EDF Energy. The development employed a construction workforce of more than 1,000 at its peak, providing a welcome boost for British building firms.

The results

Working with an overseas client whose approach to design and construction was very different and proved to be an enjoyable, challenging and innovative relationship.

By immersing ourselves within the client’s own culture we assisted EDF in designing and constructing their first new power station in the UK.

On a daily basis our site-based support teams work shoulder to shoulder in converting the technology and its application.

At the time of construction, we were the only UK designers to work directly with the French to deliver their first new build power station in the UK and as a result we created a fantastic working relationship built on trust, commitment and the ability to do what we say we will do.