The presentation focussed on what Building Information Modelling (BIM) really means for everyone from a sole trader to a main contractor, providing insights into making the most of being ‘BIM ready’.
During the morning session, Sagal also covered key topics such as an overview of BIM Level 2, ISO 19650 and the perception of BIM within the industry.
Sagal also shared some top tips on how to get BIM ready:
- Acknowledge the change
Change is always hard, understand how it will work and why the change is happening. Good courses don’t rely on training in software, they explain the context and the levels of excellence to which people may aspire.
- Focus on what you need to know
BIM for site workers is often based on reading digital models, produced by designers, and adding
in data where required, ensuring information flows as it needs to.
You may not need to know about BIM design principles, methodologies and data formats. But knowing where you fit in the process, why you are being asked for certain things and how you do it in a site environment are likely to be fundamental elements.
It’s also unlikely that every project you do will be BIM, but you might want to get the skills and knowledge you need to play an active role without becoming a BIM expert right away.
- Don’t jump straight into software / hardware packages immediately
Various software and hardware packages are available for use during the build stages. If a client demands a specific tool, the decision is made. However, more usually you understand who will be doing what and what you need. For example, think about:
- What information and at what level of detail do I need to access during the build?
- Who do I need to share information with?
- Do I need to be able to receive and send live data on site?
- What specific functionality does it need e.g. scheduling views, setting access, photo capture, permissions, data entry forms, etc.?
- Think outside the box
Remember, BIM is about the smarter use and flow of information.
While the standards for BIM help everyone operate at the same level, they shouldn’t restrict how you can benefit from the smarter use of data.
Equally, if you are not on an official BIM project, don’t let that limit your use of digital tools and data, if it makes tasks easier, then it is of benefit.
If you or your business are thinking about how BIM can work for you, then get in touch with our team by calling 08450990285 or email us here.
We work closely with our clients to understand their needs and draw upon a wealth of industry experience in the successful planning and execution of BIM projects. We work to turn clients’ visions into reality, helping them realise improvements in performance, whilst generating value and delivering efficiency.