This cutting-edge approach employs sophisticated computational simulations to analyse and optimise the movement of people during emergencies, offering building managers, safety professionals, and occupants unprecedented insights, leading to more efficient and effective evacuation strategies.

Pedestrian flow modelling within buildings allows planners to simulate and visualise how individuals navigate their way during evacuation scenarios. By considering factors such as building layout, occupant density, exit locations, and evacuation protocols, this technology provides a detailed understanding of potential bottlenecks and congestion points. Armed with this information, building managers can develop evacuation plans that are tailored to the specific needs and challenges of their facilities.

How can Waldeck help?

Waldeck’s experts are able to use Oasys MassMotion, the next generation of advanced software to predict and plan the movement of hundreds of thousands of individuals across a wide variety of complex 3D environments, such as: Transport Hubs, Retail & Commercial, Rail Stations & Platforms, Parks & Stadiums and University Buildings etc.

Our pedestrian simulation, analysis and modelling tools recreate crowds in real-life situations to test complex designs quickly within a 3D model, allowing businesses to witness in real-time how people can evacuate their spaces.

As a result, we can work with our clients to optimise layouts for space utilisation, enabling them to create or alter a space so that it is functional, efficient, and safe, and permits safe egress during an evacuation scenario in the event of a fire, security issue or overcrowding.

Waldeck have the expertise and specialist software to create BIM model evacuation walkthroughs from the pedestrian flow modelling outcomes which can be utilised as a proactive training tool, enhancing the preparedness and ensures a more coordinated and effective response to emergencies.

When might Pedestrian Flow Modelling be used?

Evacuation plans and procedures are critical throughout the operation of any public space and consideration given during the design phase of a new build, ensuring layouts do not hinder the safe and timely evacuation of the building’s occupants. In addition, evacuation procedures should be revisited and updated if a space is altered, this could be a permanent space change/function or during construction activities.

Several industries, including commercial buildings, educational institutions, and healthcare facilities, have embraced pedestrian flow modelling as part of their evacuation planning efforts. By integrating this technology into their safety protocols, organisations can enhance the overall resilience of their buildings and protect the well-being of their occupants in the event of emergencies.

As the importance of building safety continues to gain prominence, pedestrian flow modelling stands as a critical tool for optimising evacuation planning and the applicability of its use extends to any public space. By leveraging data-driven insights and advanced simulations, building managers can create safer, more resilient environments that prioritise the well-being and safety of occupants during emergencies.

How can Pedestrian Flow Modelling benefit your business?

  • Pedestrian Behaviour Insights: Pedestrian flow analysis offers valuable insights into how individuals move through a space during emergencies. By analysing pedestrian behaviour and movement patterns, planners can identify optimal evacuation routes, determine capacity limits for exits, and implement crowd management strategies to prevent congestion.
  • Scenario Testing: Pedestrian flow analysis allows planners to simulate various emergency scenarios, enabling them to test different evacuation strategies and refine their plans accordingly. This helps ensure that evacuation routes are robust and effective in different situations.
  • Customised Solutions: These tools empower planners to create customised evacuation plans tailored to the unique needs and characteristics of each building. By leveraging technology, planners can anticipate potential challenges and make informed decisions to protect occupants.
  • Enhanced Preparedness: By embracing pedestrian flow analysis, organisations can enhance their preparedness for emergencies and mitigate risks. These tools play a vital role in shaping the future of emergency preparedness and response, ultimately ensuring the safety of building occupants.
  • Tailored Communication Strategies: By analysing occupant behaviour and response patterns, building managers can determine the most effective methods for alerting occupants and providing clear, actionable instructions during evacuations. This proactive approach enhances communication resilience and ensures that occupants are well-informed and prepared to respond to emergencies.
  • Optimise Escape Procedures: By simulating different scenarios, building managers can identify the most efficient pathways for occupants to exit the building safely. This may involve adjusting the placement of exits and designated assembly points, optimising signage and wayfinding systems, and implementing crowd management strategies to prevent overcrowding at chokepoints.
  • Evacuation Walkthroughs: When available, BIM model walkthroughs of the pedestrian flow modelling findings can be created and serve as valuable training tools for building occupants and emergency responders. By immersing individuals in realistic evacuation scenarios, stakeholders can familiarise themselves with evacuation routes, practice emergency procedures, and develop a better understanding of their roles and responsibilities during emergencies.

Find out more about Pedestrian Flow Modelling here >