Project Engineer, Sam Young and a group of his friends, are taking on The Longest Day Golf Challenge to raise money for Macmillan Cancer Support.

With 72 holes to play and over 20 miles of walking all in one day, The Longest Day Golf Challenge claims to be the biggest game of their lives.

Sam shares: “With 72 holes of golf to take on, we know we will need to play from sunrise until the very last ray, so we have chosen the longest day of the year, 21st June to take part in the challenge. Although we have completed the course many times, doing so four times in one day is going to be a challenge, for our backs, knees, and mostly likely a test of our patience too!

“We chose Macmillan because, like many, we have all lost close friends and family to cancer. We want to support the Macmillan nurses so that they can continue to carry out their outstanding work, providing support to patients, their families and the doctors.

“We will be contributing to our donation target throughout the day as we carry out challenges between ourselves, with the losers donating their stake to the cause. We appreciate any additional donations, big or small that we can send forward for the cause.”

Sam and his team will be completing the challenge at their local golf club, Peterborough Milton GC where they are currently members.

Since 2002, golfers like Sam have raised over £10 million, through events like The Longest Day Golf Challenge. If you would like to support Sam and his friends to reach their ambitious target of £1500 please click here to make a donation through JustGiving.