
Specialising in delivering high-quality expertise in design management and execution of all types of construction and manufacturing facilities, Waldeck are inspired by the concept, Industry 4.0.

At the heart of Industry 4.0 will be Smart Enterprises; organisations that utilise the latest digital technology in their internal and external operations, to ensure efficient, cost effective and high-quality running of projects.

The integration of this concept will continue to become more and more influential in allowing organisations to leverage new technologies which permits them to completely re-imagine their business model and enhance their processes.

With this, Waldeck have been promoting digital-based strategy solutions as a core service for several years now, and are continuing to keep ahead of the curve to create efficient and cost-effective solutions for our clients, through the concept of implementing: Smart Ports, Smart Factories, Smart Rail Depots, Smart Buildings and Smart Energy and Nuclear.

Smart Ports

By combining our experience as market leaders in the field of digital information modelling and digital strategy with real world ports experience, Waldeck are able to take a strategic level viewpoint in order to develop Smart Port’s for clients. From the outset, our approach is to establish a technology map for the data and analysis systems of the project, around which the communications and physical infrastructure is developed.

Smart Factories

Our expert knowledge of the manufacturing sector combined with our digital strategy based solutions, ensures we are driving efficiency and lowering operational costs for our clients projects through our drive of innovation.

Our commitment to collaborative open standards will be crucial to supporting Smart Factories where connected production systems will communicate with the design and models to facilitate an automated manufacturing process, breaking the existing technology boundaries and working with global leaders in their fields.

Smart Rail Depots

Our niche digital offering enables the systems within a rail depot to be interlinked digitally and therefore communicate effectively in order to deliver the ‘Digital Railway’ goal of accelerating the digital modernisation of the railway network.

Waldeck are able to map and digitise information from trains, stations, depots and networks enabling all elements of rail infrastructure to talk to each other and feed into one central automated system. This enhanced intelligence and communication means that processes are more efficient, resulting in more trains being on the tracks, better connections and greater reliability.

Smart Buildings

At Waldeck we understand that every client’s needs are different, and fulfilling operational and asset information requirements provides the best method for delivering success.

Smart Buildings encapsulate digital intelligence and connected technologies to automate functions & controls, and provide real-time data analytics. At Waldeck we understand the benefits of harnessing future technologies to capture efficiency and data from buildings and connected cities.

Smart Energy and Nuclear

Energy efficiency is not a new concern. The optimisation of energy is fundamental to smart energy solutions, and can be achieved through a range of measures to enhance new build strategies or overhaul existing solutions.

The strategic development of Smart Infrastructure and associated intelligent assets is fundamental to the implementation and on-going success of smart energy solutions. Digitally connected plant, process and infrastructure enables performance based analysis and optimisation facilitating efficiencies across the assets entire lifecycle.

For more information on Waldeck’s Smart Enterprise offering, please contact Paul Waldeck by calling 08450 990285.