Waldeck’s Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) and Digital Capture Lead, Amy Cheeseman delivered a talk on emerging technologies in the construction industry to students at Lincoln College yesterday (12th March).

Amy Cheeseman presenting to students at Lincoln College

Students studying the HNC Civil Engineering and Construction courses, heard about how Waldeck is embracing the latest technology to continuously better our ways of working.

The presentation covered:

  • Point Clouds
  • Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (Drones)
  • Global Positioning System (GPS)
  • Laser Scanning
  • Virtual Tours
  • Software

Amy Cheeseman, UAV and Digital Capture Lead, said: “It’s been a great opportunity to share our forward-thinking ways with students at Lincoln College, who will be the engineers of tomorrow.

Amy Cheeseman with students at Lincoln College

“Technology will continue to impact the construction industry and change the way we do things, so it is important we embrace these emerging technologies to stay ahead of the game.

“Presenting our digital offering to the engineers of tomorrow, simply reinforces the reality of where the industry is going.”