Collaborative Enterprise Solutions

Waldeck Nuclear Director, Sue Hewish has joined the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority’s (NDA) Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) Steering Group.

Sue, who is based out of Waldeck’s Bristol Office, attended her first Steering Group Meeting this month and will be one of a handful of SME representatives for the South of England region.

Sue’s role in the group, along with other large corporate members is to represent and connect all levels of the Supply Chain, by providing a direct communication route between SMEs and NDA. Other members of the group include representatives from:

  • Aquilla – (Chair)
  • NDA
  • Magnox
  • AWE
  • KDC
  • AM Services
  • Calder
  • Oxford Technologies
  • Portsmouth Aviation
  • Metalcraft
  • Tradebe

The group, which meets on a quarterly basis, provides a forum for strategic engagement between the NDA, the Site Licence Companies (SLC), Tier 2 suppliers and SMEs.

Representing the supply chain, a focus will be on topics relating to improving the attractiveness and the improving the state of the market offering that supports NDA sites with a particular focus on the SME community who are often recognise as drivers of innovation in the sector.

The group will feed into the National SME Steering Group, to promote shared learning, best practice and collaborative practices.