Phenix Salon Suites

New Nottingham Salon Units

Phenix Salon Suites, who offer an alternative option for stylists beyond renting a chair or salon ownership, have opened a space in Nottingham city centre after the success of their first two UK venues in Manchester and Birmingham.The brand already has over 350 locations in the United States. The brand already has over 350 locations in the United States.

Phenix Salon Suites 

New Liverpool Salon Units

Phenix Salon Suites, who offer an alternative option for stylists beyond renting a chair or salon ownership, have opened a space in Liverpool city centre after the success of their first three UK venues in Manchester, Birmingham and Nottingham. The brand already has over 350 locations in the United States. 

Lids UK 

New Lids Cabot Circus Store, Bristol

Waldeck has been working closely with the American athleisure headwear brand, Lids, to support the opening of its first store in Bristol. Lids, renowned for its NBA, NFL, and MLB baseball caps, snapbacks, and merchandise, is making its debut at Cabot Circus, a premier shopping destination in the heart of Broadmead, Bristol. 


Larwood House, Independent Living Centre Refurbishment

Waldeck provided a multi-disciplinary service working with Fortem to deliver a refurbishment of an independent living centre on the outskirts of Worksop for Bassetlaw District Council.

Buckingham Group Ltd

Coventry Station & Multi-Storey Car Park

Coventry City Council recently invested £82million in creating a new-look gateway for passengers who arrive in the city by train. The Council has been working in partnership with Network Rail, rail operators, Transport for West Midlands, Friargate Coventry LLP and other stakeholders, including our team at Waldeck.

Phenix Suite Salons

No.1 Deansgate Salons, Manchester

Waldeck have been supporting our client Apex Realty Limited, as they bring US brand ‘Phenix Salon Suites’ over to the UK from America.

Phenix Salon Suites are a long-established brand and franchise with locations set up all over America, priding themselves on providing Lifestyle Professionals with beautiful salon suites in a spa-like setting.


Photography Studio Fit-out

Waldeck were appointed by Harrods to support them with their new Shoreditch photography studio.

Marks & Spencer

Inner Town Concept Design

Our Architecture team were appointed to supply a regeneration scheme for an existing Marks & Spencer food hall in Crawley.

Lindum Group & Platform Housing

Whatton Residential Scheme

Waldeck were appointed by Lindum Group & Platform Housing to develop a social housing feasibility scheme for a green field site in Whatton, Nottinghamshire.

Buckingham Group

Holbeck Delivery Unit

Waldeck were appointed by Buckingham Group to provide a multi-disciplinary design solution on the construction of a two-storey office refurbishment at Network Rail’s existing Maintenance Delivery Unit in
Holbeck, Leeds.

Network Rail

Doncaster Delivery Unit

Waldeck were appointed by Buckingham Group to provide a multi-disciplinary design solution for the construction of a new three-storey office building and storage building at Network Rail’s existing Maintenance Delivery Unit in Doncaster.

Kilbride Holdings

West Midlands Interchange

Waldeck are supporting the development of West Midlands Interchange, a DCO approved development site, with consent to deliver up to 8 million sq ft of Class A Logistics warehousing, including a key strategic rail freight interchange in the West Midlands.